Το σχολείο, η αυλή και η παιδική χαρά

Τρίτη 12 Νοεμβρίου 2013

                           Festive food


On the very last day of October, people in the UK, Canada and the USA celebrate Halloween. They dress up in scary outfits and have parties where they eat pumpkin pies, toffee apples and a variety of sweets and biscuits!

Here are two traditional British recipes! One for toffee apples and one for pumpkin pie:


They may not be so good for your teeth, but toffee apples are so scrumptious! Stick that sweet autumn apple onto a sturdy, wooden stick for easy holding and biting.
No Halloween party is complete without some traditional toffee apples!


500gr sugar
75gr butter
150ml water
2tsp vinegar
8 medium apples
Some drops of food coloring


1 Mix the sugar, butter, vinegar and the boiling water. Make sure that you are using a saucepan that has a heavy base to prevent sticking.

2 Add the food coloring
3 Cook over a low heat
4 Stir continuously until the sugar has all dissolved
5 Boil the mixture for 10minutes
6 Test the toffee .drop a little bit of caramel into a bowl. if it hardens immediately ,it is ready
7 Remove from the heat and let the bubbles disappear
8 Pierce the apples through with the wooden sticks
9 EAT!!!


Cook time: 1 hour


2 Cups of pumpkin pulp purée from a sugar pumpkin
1 ½ cups of milk
1 cup of sugar
½ teaspoon salt
2 eggs
2 teaspoons of cinnamon
¼ teaspoon ground cloves

1 Preheat the oven
2 Mix sugar, salt and the spices in a large bowl
3 Beat the eggs and add to the bowl
4 Stir in the pumpkin pure
5 Pour the mixture into a pie shell and bake it at 185 c for half an hour
6 Serve with cream and enjoy!

Of course we cooked and ate some !Sarah brought the pumpkin ,at school .Well, first we curved it  and we tried to have a Jack- O – Lantern of our own, then our teacher Mrs. Helen baked the pumpkin pie and we had some! Look at   the photos:

In GREECE however there is a different festival: the vine harvest! Or at least it looked like a festive in the old days. It still is a very important period for Greek people. It is the time for the wine production. But before the wine we have the must, which is the juice that comes out of the grapes when smashed.

The must

Back in the old days people had their jobs done only by hands or by feet!
So they did the must. The first week of September they went to their vineyard and they harvested their vines .Next they stored the grapes into treadle. Most of the houses had crushers. Then they stepped on them and they squashed them with their feet and there, the must poured out. In the end they put the must in wooden barrels and waited almost for 3 months to turn into wine. But in the meantime they made a traditional sweet cream with the must called: moustalevria

By Antonia 5th
 Grade student



Autumn is the time for grapes! The vine harvest gives one of the most favorite ingredients, the μούστος, the must, their juice! Here is a healthy, traditional, tasty, cream with nuts:


1000ml must boiled
130gr flour
2-3 spoonfuls of molasses
2 tsp sesame
1 tsp cinnamon


1 mix the flour with a glass of muse.
2  boil the rest of the muse with the molasses
3 pour the mixture into the boiling muse
4 stir constantly till it becomes solid, approximately for 30 minutes
5 serve into small bowls sprinkle with the sesame and the cinnamon

By Argyris, Helen, Magda, Panagiotis and Fani
5th grade students

Το Οκτόμπερφεστ (Oktoberfest) είναι γιορτή μπύρας που λαμβάνει χώρα στο Μόναχο (München)  χρόνο. Διαρκεί δύο εβδομάδες και λήγει το πρώτο Σαββατοκύριακο του Οκτωβρίου. Καθιερώθηκε από το 1811, οπότε έγιναν μεγάλες γιορτές για τους γάμους του Βασιλέα της Βαυαρίας Λουδοβίκου τον Α΄, οι οποίες έκτοτε καθιερώθηκαν. Όλες οι ζυθοποιίες του Μονάχου προσφέρουν μπύρα(Bier) στους επισκέπτες σε χαρακτηριστικές σκηνές χωρητικότητας 2-3.000 ατόμων . Σερβιτόροι και τα τελευταία χρόνια και αρκετοί επισκέπτες φορούν τις παραδοσιακές βαυαρικές ενδυμασίες (Dirndl). . Εδώ καταναλώνονται επίσης μεγάλες ποσότητες από τα παραδοσιακά κουλούρια μπρέτσελ (Brezel): Ό,τι είναι για τους Έλληνες το σουσαμένιο κουλούρι ,είναι για τους Γερμανούς το μπρέτσελ! Αλμυρό, τρώγεται σαν ψωμάκι σκέτο ή με φρέσκο βούτυρο ενώ υπάρχουν και γλυκές εκδοχές του!

Παραδοσιακό γερμανικό, τρώγεται σαν ψωμάκι! Σκέτο ή με φρέσκο βούτυρο ακόμα καλύτερο! Ό,τι είναι για τους Έλληνες το σουσαμένιο κουλούρι ,είναι για τους Γερμανούς το μπρέτσελ!
§  500 g Mehl                                                                         500γρ. αλεύρι
§  1 Würfel frische Hefe (42 g)                                                  1 φρέσκια μαγιά,42γρ.
§  oder 2 Päckchen Trockenhefe                                         ή 2 φακελάκια ξηρή μαγιά
§  50 g weiche Butter                                                             50γρ. βούτυρο μαλακό
§  250 ml lauwarmes Wasser                                       250μλ. γάλα χλιαρό
§  1 TL Zucker                                                                   1 κ.γ. ζάχαρη
§  1 gehäufter TL Salz (10 g)                                                  1κ.γ. αλάτι
§  3 EL Natriumhydrogencarbonat (50g)                   3κ.σ. μαγειρική σόδα